“The views are past extaordinary here, what amazing sunsets looking onto beautiful rock formations in the foreground. Easy to see through huge windows that pivot but there is a great garden to watch from as well. The staff was especially friendly and work very hard to make this stay feel unique and special. Breakfasts and Dinners were lovely and had great variety. Easy parking!”
“It is a high-end resort that has an almost entirely Japanese clientele, so it makes for a consummate Japanese experience. The rooms (tatami), the bedding(futons), the communal(gender separate) baths, all were wonderful. An evening of bluegrass music in the lounge, singing John Denver!? songs with the band at midnight, was a delight.”
“ごはん(白米)がおいしかった。 夕日がきれいだった。 大浴場や部屋にはシャンプー、リンス、ボディーソープ、数種類の化粧水や洗顔フォームなど、充実していた。 大浴場にオムツのゴミ箱があってありがたかった。”
“広い庭園から海辺におりれるので、子供たちと磯遊びが楽しめました。 天気も良く、目の前に広がる日本海が最高!露天風呂から眺める海と夕日と星空が素晴らしく、朝風呂も、行き交う小舟を見ながら入るのもまた格別でした。”