“The environment and decorations are extremely good. Especially the fragrance lamp makes guests relax themselves and comfortable. The staff are attentiveness, like concierge, as we were lazy to go outside for dinner, they helped us to check the Chinese restaurant available tables and drove us to there.”
“Nice hotel at the end of the city in a guarded compound. Big rooms. Very friendly front desk. Very concerned about our stay and safety. Thank you account manager Nicole, you went the extra mile!”
“房间很大 屋内用品干净整齐 整体就是非常舒适 早餐种类丰富酒店有西溪湿地订票服务 也能帮忙叫车 服务态度都很好”
“El hotel levantado entre agua es fantastico y las habitaciones son extra-grandes. Es un hotel para disfrutar alejado del barullo de la ciudad.”
“位置很好。在西溪天堂的西北角。酒店会有电瓶车送去商业街。还可以帮定外婆家位。大赞。泛舟下午茶感受西溪的幽雅。不是公共区域。氛围很好。前台服务人员亲切可人。非常幸运的帮我们升级了房间。so lucky❤️房间一应俱全。静心禅修胜地。个人认为会比灵隐安曼。西溪喜来登多一份精美。很喜欢。see u later❤️”
“Das Hotelpersonal insbesondere Rezeption und Concierge war überragend! Hätte besser nicht sein können. Hatten alles versucht, mir das WLAN einzurichten, sich sogar bei Kollegen anderer Hotels erkundigt, was zu machen ist. Leider ohne wirklichen Erfolg. Sehr großzügige Suite.”
“很喜欢banyan tree,之前看评价说杭州这家一般,但住进来之后觉得不错呀。我比较在意床的舒适度和浴缸,这两者都很满意,环境也好,没事呼吸下新鲜空气”