“For breakfast, only few food can be chosen and they are cold. Soya soup, congee and coffee were good, My room was no window. it is small, but fair for two people. Noise from other room can be heard....the toilet was disappointing. But even it is not nice but at least it is sort of clean.... the design of sanitary was .. questionable, i will hit my head while washing my face at the sink. Very slippery floor in toilet after shower, as water will spill out. But this hotel is easy to find, and provide bike is good, as the bike quality is better than i expect. the bed is comfortable! and price is cheap.”
“Very good hotel in good location. Close to the train and bus station. Prices very attractive and rooms very comfortable.”
“Good breakfast, easy parking, clean room, polite staff.”
“你好,我是5/28入住的房客,在此非常感謝服務人員的幫忙! 當時我借用飯店的腳踏車遊歷花蓮市,但中途卻因為嚴重的中暑而上吐下瀉,服務人員得知後,貼心的使用公務車接送我回飯店。真的非常感謝你們的幫忙,也為當時的不便致歉。”
“帶11個月的女兒第一次出遠門來玩👣台中到花蓮原本擔心帶小孩會很不方便這趟旅程真的感受到 花蓮這的人情味飯店整體人員 每個都面帶笑容 服務好看到我們有帶小孩 都非常熱心來幫忙餐廳阿姨看我帶小孩 體貼幫忙拉椅子 餐廳在地下室 有飲料機 咖啡機 綠茶包 還有土司 烤箱 果醬 餐廳氣氛優很乾淨房間環境整潔 有冰箱 電視 熱水壺 衣櫥礦泉水 咖啡包 綠茶包 吹風機 用品齊全床很剛好不硬不軟 棉被蓋起來很溫暖如果吹冷氣怕冷衣櫥還有枕頭跟小被子浴室乾濕分離 飯店有Wi-Fi 舒適方便👍飯店有定期消毒 清潔人員很細心整理 要退房前搭電梯 看到清潔人員很親切看到他們很細心在整理每個房間很辛苦我妹來讀大學前三天兩夜真的值回票價離火車站近 斜對面有全家 附近很便利有電影院 火鍋 小吃 吃喝玩樂都很近😄帶小孩入住很安心 感謝 推薦給大家。”
“Op loopafstand van het centrum van Hualien, station en busstop.”